Customer Service
“Always be polite and courteous to the staff at the restaurant and it will help during return trips. If you don't then no one will want to help you in a timely manner, which slows down your delivery times. Always be polite and courteous to customers because you are the face of the company to them and they will have a better overall impression of Grubhub. “
(Christopher S - Birmingham, AL)
“Say hello before asking for the food. When a restaurant respects you, they will start preparing your food faster than others at times. Being nice goes a long way. Less time wasted equals more deliveries, which equals more tips.“
(Jackson H - Los Angeles, CA)
“There is not much time for customer interaction on the job, i.e customer service, but it is always beneficial for all parties if you keep all interactions quick, professional, and friendly. Restaurants will appreciate the professionalism and customers will feel more inclined to use Grubhub in the future. If there are any hiccups with an order, remember to rely on Driver Care.”
(John O - Santa Clarita, CA)
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