When grocery shopping, there are several important guidelines to keep in mind:
- Gather non-perishable items first. There should be no dents, holes, tears, or openings in food packages.
- Select cold items such as refrigerated or frozen products towards the end of your trip. This ensures that these items remain cold and fresh up to the point of delivery.
- Frozen foods should be solid with no signs of thawing.
- Avoid picking products that are expired or that will expire the following day.
- Do not pick overripe or rotten produce as it may already be spoiled.
Once you’ve completed the checkout process, transfer any perishable or cold items to your Grubhub delivery bag or other insulated bag within an air conditioned car, not a hot trunk. Cold items can increase up to 8-10 degrees Fahrenheit on a typical trip from the store.
For more information regarding how to shop safely, please visit FDA.gov or eatright.org.
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