Your pay rate will be calculated as $0.44 per minute plus $0.74 per mile, with a minimum pay rate of $5 per offer before tips.
To ensure that your pay reflects what you are owed, an adjustment may be made for each delivery once it is completed. Here are some examples of how this works:
Example 1:
A driver accepts an order and then travels for five minutes over the course of two miles to complete the delivery. The driver would receive:
$2.20 in time pay (five minutes multiplied by $0.44) and $1.48 in mileage pay (two miles multiplied by $0.74) for a total of $3.68. Since $5 is greater than $3.68, the courier would receive an adjustment for an additional $1.32 to reach $5.
Example 2:
A driver accepts an order and anticipates traveling 10 minutes over the course of five miles to complete a delivery. The driver would receive:
$4.40 in time pay (10 minutes multiplied by $0.44) and $3.70 in mileage pay (five miles multiplied by $0.74). During the delivery, the actual miles driven ended up being six miles and took 12 minutes to complete. The courier would receive an adjustment for an additional $1.62 (two minutes multiplied by $0.44 plus one mile multiplied by $0.74) for the actual time and miles spent on the delivery.
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