- Grubhub presents diners with a tip selection on the checkout page prior to presenting an offer to a delivery partner.
- Diners are presented with a range of tip percentages based on the order price (5%, 8%, 10%, 12%), with no default preselection. There is also an option to enter a custom tip amount.
- Diners can manually modify and, if warranted, remove a tip after a delivery partner’s acceptance and during or after performance of an offer. Where a diner removes a tip after acceptance, a delivery partner will still receive the value of the tip from the time the offer was accepted.
- Where the value of a tip is based on a percentage of the order price, changes to the order after checkout does not affect the tip value. In other words, the tip is based on the original amount of the order price.
- Grubhub does not prohibit or discourage diners from providing tips via a different means than Grubhub’s platform (such as cash tips).
- Grubhub does not operate a tip pool.
- Grubhub does not enforce any maximum or other limitation on diner tip amounts.
*This policy applies only to orders involving a pickup or dropoff in the City of Seattle. Grubhub reserves the right to make modifications to this policy at any time.
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